- Dual national France and UK
- Post graduate of the LSE and Paris IV Sorbonne in contemporary history
- Associate Fellow of the Royal Historical Society, London
- Fellow of the German Marshall Fund of the United States
- Recipient 2017 of the Marie Curie Award
Besides the professional achievements listed below, Natacha Henry has a wide interest in all matters linked to the theater and animation.
She has been trained in Directing for the Stage as well as Stop-Motion.
Since 2011
- Expertise on EU projects on violence, and International Consultant for the Council of Europe
- Books:
- The French Painter and the American Showman, the Unlikely Friendship of Rosa Bonheur & Buffalo Bill Translation Stephen CLARKE.
- Rosa Bonheur l'audacieuse (Albin Michel Jeunesse)
- L'Affaire des fées de Cottingley (Rageot) - - Rosa Bonheur et Buffalo Bill, une amitié admirable (Robert Laffont)
- Theatrical adaptation Marie et Bronia Le Pacte des soeurs,
showing in Paris, Montauban, Sèvres, Zurich - Expertise Violence/Media, Council of Europe
Psychological violence/ the French Ministry for Equality.
- Marie et Bronia, le Pacte des soeurs, (Albin Michel Jeunesse), nominated for 10 literary awards.
- Women in Science Seminar, Bibliothèque Solvay, Brussels
- Workshops on Gender-Based Violence/Companies
- Domestic violence prevention training for health professionals
- European projects DAPHNE
- For the Council of Europe, in Rabat, Morocco, and Sousse, Tunisia, expertise / media treatment of violence against women.
- Prix Marianne for Les Soeurs savantes, Marie Curie et Bronia Dluska (La Librairie Vuibert/Albin Michel).
- Published in Polish: Uczone siostry.
- Book: Marthe Richard, l'aventurière des maisons closes (La Librairie Vuibert/ Albin Michel)
- Member of the jury of the Mediterranean Women's Fund Photo Award
- Expert for PSYTEL/ DAPHNE/ DG Justice, European Commission.
- Trainer in Algiers for the Algerian Radio and BBC Media Action.
- Book: Les Soeurs savantes, Marie Curie and Bronia Dluska (La Librairie Vuibert/Albin Michel).
- 3 short animated films for the French Ministry of Defense: Preventing Sexual Harassment in the Army
- 8 short animated films for Libres Terres des Femmes (scripts, co-direction, production): Getting out of domestic violence. Dubbed in 9 languages.
- Member of PSYTEL/ DAPHNE/ DG Justice, European Commission Programme against violence and for the protection of victims.
- On domestic violence: European Parliament (EIGE), Women's Rights Department, Paris City Hall, Ecole Normale Supérieure, Sciences Po, European Institute of Journalism, Mauritius.
- Media and sexism: ENS, high schools.
- Member of PSYTEL/DAPHNE/DG Justice, the European Commission's program to combat violence and protect victims.
- Short film : Do you know what a relationship is? Festival Littérature, Love, etc, Lille. Co-directed by Aurélie Olivier, with the Family Planning of Lille.
- Member of the jury of the Mediterranean Women's Fund Photo Award
- March 2011 Mauritius - At the Ambassador's residence, conference on domestic violence, for senior magistrates; At the French Institute, Breaking Gender Barriers; Meetings with Mauritius Broadcasting Company, WIN, and Sheila Bapoo, Minister for Gender Equality.
- Member of the steering committee, France, One Billion Rising
- Teaching: Sciences Po Paris School of Journalism, International section; Sexism and popular culture, Interuniversity Diploma in Gender Equality, Paris 3 and Paris 6 (since 2008)
2000 - 2010
- Book : Frapper n’est pas aimer, enquête sur les violences conjugales en France, Denoël.
- Book: Ces Femmes qui ont fait la France, 25 portraits, City éditions.
- France Culture, A Voix nue, Natacha Henry with Linda Weil-Curiel, from March 9 to 13.
- Global Survey on Women in Media, International Women in Media Foundation, IWMF, Washington DC.
- Book: Les Filles faciles n'existent pas, non-fiction, Michalon.
- Auditioned by the Commission on the image of women in the media, Ministry of Labour.
- The Vagina Monologues
VDay 2008.
With Eve Ensler.
Theatre Michel, Paris.
- Book: Exciseuse, with lawyer Linda Weil-Curiel, City.
- Round table, Female Sexual Mutilation, Femmes 17, La Rochelle.
- Book: Marthe Richard, l'aventurière des maisons closes, Punctum
- Report on Women in the Media (Service des droits des femmes/AFJ)
- Director and producer of Paris Parity, 4'50 (Gender Company, TVE London)
- The Vagina Monologues, by Eve Ensler, Vday. Théâtre Jemmapes, May 24, 2004, April 28 and 29, 2005. Agora de l'Égalité des Chances, Cité des Sciences et de l'Industrie, Dec. 2004.
- Director: Fatima d'ici et d'ailleurs, France 3 Marseille, BBC World, (Béka, TVE, 8').
- Consultant for the film C'est une maman ! (DCDF, 26'), French Ministry of Education.
- Co-director: Les petites mariées d'Abyssinie with Philippe Molins, (MFP, 52') France 5. Broadcast Jan. 27.
On girl marriage in northern Ethiopia.
Selection FIGRA 2005. In 2004 : FIPA ; Festival International de Films de Femmes, Créteil ; Festival Vues d'Afrique, Montreal ; Cycle Mariages, Forum des images.
- Book: Les " mecs lourds " ou le paternalisme lubrique, Robert Laffont.
- France Culture, co-producer of Genre, a weekly program (1 hour).
- Fellow of the German Marshall Fund of the United States.
- National Observatory on Violence, Coordination for the European Women's Lobby
- In Ethiopia, articles about Child Marriage. Photos Lizzie SADIN
- Consultant for the European association Du Côté des Filles (gender stereotypes in children's books)
- Daily column in the newspaper l'Humanité.
- Director of Where are the women? Documentary, 8 minutes (TVE, BBC World, Article Z)
- Journalist, assistant director for D'amour et d'eau fraîche, documentary by Jenny Keguiner, Arte (Quark, 52').
Before 1999
- President of the French Association of Women Journalists.
- Exhibition with Sophie Sensier, photos Women of Huairou (Amnesty International, Town Halls of Tourcoing, Créteil, Paris 18, University Paris I).
- Correspondent at the Fourth United Nations Conference on Women in Beijing, for Beijing Watch, Women's Feature Service.
- Correspondent for Women's Feature Service.
- Secretary of the French Association of Women Journalists
President of the Jury for the Documentary Award at the International Women's Film Festival in Créteil - Interviews, Spielberg Foundation, Audiovisual History of Holocaust Survivors
- Round table Prevention of trafficking, media awareness, Council of Europe, Strasbourg
- Articles Gender Parity in French Politics, The Political Quarterly, GB; Body as Battlefield, Lockmat Times, India; Tearing Veil of Bigotry, Tribune, India.
- In charge of research in France for Anthony Allfrey's book, The Goldschmidts, Think Publishing, London, 2005.
- DEA in Contemporary Political and Social History, Paris IV Sorbonne,
Enoch Powell, a failed political career? Prof. François Crouzet - M.A., The London School of Economics and Political Science,
British Foreign Politics towards revolutionary Cuba in 1958, Dr John Young - Master's degree in contemporary political and social history, Paris IV Sorbonne, The Phenomenon of Football Hooliganism in Great Britain, Prof. François Crouzet.