In January 2020, Natacha Henry was appointed international consultant to the Council of Europe, after having taken part in several conferences as an invited expert.
She is specialized on the implementation of Articles 13, 14 and 17 of the Istanbul Convention.

She has been a member, since 2009, of the Psytel team of the DAPHNE III-REC Project/European Commission Programme for Combating Violence and for the Protection of Victims.

She is highly experimented in managing focus groups and sensitive interviews, drafting tools (roadmaps, guidelines, MOOC, animation videos), and the training of frontline professionals and staff.


European project of the Rights, Equality, Citizenship Program
The Femicide Risk in (ex)Intimate Partner Violence, Co-Action
The Council of Europe

~International consultant for the Implementation of the Istanbul Convention in the Republic of Moldova

European project of the Rights, Equality, Citizenship Program

~ SAFESHELTER, Child protection and safety in shelters.
~ SF Forced Suicide/IPV.

International Consultant for the Council of Europe
Prevention/Raising Awareness Reinforcing the fight against Violence against Women and Domestic Violence - Phase II.
Strengthening the role of public prosecutors for the efficient protection of women (violence against women, child marriage, domestic work)

And before:

EU Daphne Project
, Multi-agency response to GBV. (Austria, France, Germany, Spain, Romania).
Training of staff in maternity clinics and future midwives on IPV.
French Congress of A&E, Paris.

EU Daphne Project
, Specialised Support for Victims of GBV in Health Care Systems across Europe (Austria, Bulgaria, France/PSYTEL, Germany, Romania).
Training of A&E staff on IPV.
Training for doctors dealing with migrants with HIV.

- Study on The Economic Repercussions of IPV and its Repercussions on Children in France in 2012 (Psytel).
- EIGE Conference A Europe free from Gender-based violence, CARVE Conference, Brussels 2016, and the European Parliament.

8 short animation films on leaving IPV, dubbed in 10 languages (Libres Terres des Femmes).
=>Direction and production

- Children in Domestic Violence, Helping Mothers, Fonds Interministériel de Prévention de la Délinquance, Libres Terres des Femmes.
-EIGE, Mapping the current status and potential of administrative sources of data on gender based violence in the EU and Croatia.
=>National researcher France.
- EIGE, Risk assessment by police of intimate partner violence against women (28 UE countries).
=>National researcher France.

Study of the National Action Plans of the 27 EU countries re. Domestic Violence.
Prevention policies against intimate partner violence in Europe: current state and perspectives.


    Council of Europe, expertise:

    March 2019 :
    Tunis, Implementation of the Organic Law 2017-58 on the Elimination of violence against women: challenges and recommendations (Media section).

    2017 :
    Sousse, Tunisia, Rabat, Morocco, and Algiers. Workshops on the media treatment of violence against women.

    2013 :
    United Nations.
    Interventions 57th Commission on the Status of Women, CSW, New York ; International conference Media and the Image of Women, Council of Europe, Ministry of Education, Culture and Science, NL, Amsterdam

    2009 :
    Regional Coordinator for the International Women's Media Foundation, Global Report on the Status of Women in the News Media (66 countries)


    MOOC: Prevention of gender-based violence and sexual violence at work
    European Project Programme Rights, Equality and Citizenship (REC)
    With the BRGM, French Geological Survey, Orléans.
    Available in English.

    MOOC: Prevention of gender-based violence in the French public health service
    Funded by the French Secretariat of State for Equality between Men and Women.
    With A&E, Cochin hospital, Paris.  

    Paris and Greater Paris
    Focus Groups, Trainings, Whistle blowing.

    Forced Marriage, FSM

    DAPHNE European Project "FEM - Forced Marriage" (Austria, France, Germany, Portugal).
    =>Interviews, reports, EU RoapMap.

    2007: Exciseuse (with Linda Weil-Curiel), published by City, France.

    2003: Les petites mariées d’Abyssinie, a documentary film on girl brides in the North of Ethiopia, 52’.
    =>Codirector (with Philippe Molins, MFP TV France 5).


    Dealing with domestic violence or gender-based violence as a journalist.
    Many conferences in France.

    In 2014 and 2011, Mauritius.
    Experts meetings with Women in Networking, with the Minister of Gender and Equal Rights, with the support of the US Embassy in Mauritius and Barclays Bank.
    Training sessions for journalists: Sex discrimination in the Media.
    Conference at the French Institute: Breaking Gender Barriers
    Conference at the French Ambassador's Residence: How we deal with Domestic violence in France.